Water Based Flexo

  • Siegwerk - Aqualabel H.K series 471 + 2% crosslinker 53.41 Aquatherm 8034 series
  • Flint Group - Thermokett TC
  • Sun Chemical - 477 Thermo
  • Zeller + Gmelin - Multiflex

UV Flexo

  • Siegwerk - Sicura Flex 39-8 (*)
  • Flint Group - Flexocure Force (), Flexocure Ancora 50 ()
  • Sun Chemical - Solarflex
  • Zeller + Gmelin - Uvaflex

UV Offset

  • Siegwerk - Sicura 456 LM series Web 850/861
  • Flint Group - Lithocure Premium
  • Sun Chemical - Suncure Lazer, Unicure CL Jet, Unicure 1200 and 1500
  • Zeller + Gmelin - Uvalux

UV Letterpress

  • Siegwerk - Sicura Typo 41-2 (*)
  • Flint Group - Uvonova (**)
  • Zeller + Gmelin - Uvalux

Water-based Varnishing

  • Siegwerk - WB varnish ’15-002001-4 / Aquatherm ext ‘8034-9300 / Unilabel series 53-20.051
  • Flint Group Water-based varnish TKA00103
  • Zeller + Gmelin Transparent White

UV Varnishing

  • Siegwerk - Flexo, letterpress, offset / UV varnish 806951M / OPV 38-0-0099
  • Flint Group - UV flexo varnish UPF00006, YVF00006 / UV letterpress varnish UVB01101

For better ink adhesion, please utilize the following additive

  • (*) Additive ’81-470130-6: dosage 1%
  • (**) Adhesion promotor UAA00117: dosage 4%

The list of recommendations is based on the experience of ink manufacturers and end users and does not guarantee compatibility. Print results can vary significantly depending on local printing conditions (ink layers, ink cure, etc.) and the process itself. In particular, multicolor printing with UV offset on thermal paper is a very demanding process.

Therefore, it is always advisable to try printing when choosing new inks or printing new types of paper. In addition, we recommend testing with a thermal printer. If you need further assistance with technical issues related to thermal paper printing, please contact the relevant ink manufacturer or Rollax Customer Service sales (at) rollax.lk.


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