Are you taking all available precautions to safeguard the health of your employees?

There are increasing concerns over the impact the chemicals used in thermal rolls could have on human health and ecotoxicity. Chemicals such as Bisphenol A (BPA) and Bisphenol S (BPS) have been associated with various diseases and health complications in humans, and in animal studies. Using Phenol-Free Thermal Rolls is the best available step towards protecting the health of your employees, customers and the environment.

The three main benefits of moving your business to Phenol-Free Thermal Rolls are:

A safer product for employees and customers to touch due lo chemicals not absorbed through the skin.

Less likely to impact human health, including endocrine disruplion, than BPA and BPS containing ihermui roll products.

Helps to stop endocrine disrupting chemicals entering and harming the environment.